
“Cinema Among the Ruins. The Practice of Memory in Florestano Vancini’s Fragheto, una strage. Perché?” forthcoming in Ruins and Rubble in Postwar Italy, Legenda.

“What is in the Modern Look? Federico Fellini and the Photography of William Klein,” forthcoming in Federico Fellini Centenary Essays, University of Toronto Press.

Family Remains: An Essay Film on How we Remember Fascism,” Annali d’Italianistica, 41, 2023.

 “Fotografia, cittadinanza, memoria: donne faccia a faccia col Fascismo,” Rivista di Studi di Fotografia Rsf 11, 2020.

“Home is a Hard Place to Film: Eleonora Danco’s N-Capace as Fragile Cinema,” L’avventura 1 January-June 2022, 123-143.

 “For a Cinema of the Blind and Visionaries: The Forgotten Lessons of Cesare Zavattini,” Cineaste, XLVII.3 Summer 2022.

 “Amarcord/Am’l’arcord. Fascism, Memory and the Visual in Federico Fellini and Renzo Renzi,” Italica 97.4 Winter 2020: 848-878.

 “Writing/Filming/Working-Through with Franco Fortini’s The Dogs of the Sinai and Danièlle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub’s Fortini/Cani,” Ospite ingrato 8 Luglio-Dicembre 2020.

“Neorealism,” in Italian Cinema: From Silent Screen to Digital Image, ed. Joseph Luzzi, New York: Bloomsbury, 2020.

“Italian Cinema, Memory and the Construction of the Nation,” Modern Italy 22.2, May 2017.

“Icons of Remorse: Photography, Anthropology and the Erasure of History in 1950s Italy” in Modern Italy, Special Issue: Iconic Images in Modern Italy: Politics, Culture and Society, 21.4 (2016): 383-407.

“Svevo, Blogging and the Future of Literature,” MLN, vol. 130, 1, 2015; “Svevo, il blog e il futuro della letteratura,” Aghios. Quaderni di studi sveviani,  7/8, 2015.

“Photography and the Construction of National Identity,” with Sally Hill and Roberta Valtorta, Stillness in Motion: Italy, Photography and the Meanings of Modernity, University of Toronto Press 2014, 27-66

“Eternal Speed/Omnipresent Immobility: Futurism and Photography,” Stillness in Motion: Italy, Photography and the Meanings of Modernity, University of Toronto Press 2014, 97-130

“Effetto Notte: L’immagine di Cesare Zavattini tra neorealismo e surrealismo,” Locus Solus, 7, Memoria e immagine, 2009, 67-96 

“L’occhio di Verga,” Special Issue, L’anello che non tiene, 2009, 59-81

“Haunted Frames: History and Landscape in Luchino Visconti’s Ossessione,” Italica, 85 (2008): 2-3, 173-196

“Neorealismo: Anacronismo/Avanguardia,” Ripensare il Neorealismo: Cinema, letteratura, mondo, Metauro, 2008, 197-221

“Storie, paesaggi e cantastorie: la visione documentaristica dal neorealismo al Postmodernismo,” Sinergie narrative: Cinema e letteratura nell’Italia contemporanea, Franco Cesati Editore, 2008, 41-71

“Lontano e quotidiano nella musica dei Modena City Ramblers,” Spaesamenti padani: Studi culturali sull’Emilia Romagna, Il lettore di Provincia, 123-4, Longo, 2005, 55-68

“What’s in a Word? Rosetta Loy’s Search for History in Childhood,” MLN 116, 1, 2001, 162-176

"Leading the Pedagogue by Hand: Women and Pedagogy in Italo Svevo," Gendered Contexts: New Perspectives in Italian Cultural Studies, ed. Benedetti, Hairston and Ross, Peter Lang, 1996

"Ricordando il quotidiano: Lessico famigliare o l'arte del cantastorie," Italica 72, no. 2, 1995, 155-173

"L'Africa in cortile: La colonia nelle storie levantine di Fausta Cialente," Quaderni d'Italianistica, 15, 1-2, 1994, 227-235

"Il ritorno di Efigenia," Italian Culture, Selected Proceedings, AAIS, 1990, 265-278

"Reading the Trace of the Lightning: Sensual Allegory and the Photographic Image," Whomanwarp, Vol. 2, 1989, 4-15